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CrossTest has several configuration options. The configuration below shows an example configuration that can be used. The configuration should be stored in a file called XTestConfig.xml that is in the working directory of where Cucumber is running. See the schema file of the config The configuration can be splitted in multiple files

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!-- Set debug="true" for console debugging output-->
<!-- Set emptyStringValue to a string constant that can be used to set and check for empty string values -->
<XTestConfig debug="true" emptyStringValue="''">
        <!-- Composite objects can be configured in the config or defined/modified via step sentences -->
        <CompositeObject name="Customer">
            <!-- Composite object without explicit key definition -->
            <!-- Insert in key tables is distinct based on the fields present in the sample data -->            
                <ContextTable tableName="CUST_SAT" databaseConfigName="demo"/>                      
                <KeyTable tableName="CUST_HUB" databaseConfigName="demo"/>
        <CompositeObject name="CustomerWithKeyDefinition">
            <!-- Composite object with explicit key definition -->
            <!-- Based on defined key fields, only first occurence of key fields is inserted in key tables -->
                <ContextTable tableName="CUST_SAT" databaseConfigName="source"/>                        
            <!-- Explicitly define key fields for the composite object -->
                <KeyTable tableName="CUST_HUB" databaseConfigName="source"/>
        <!-- A credentialprovider can be used to obtain credentials such as usernames or passwords. By implementing a custom credential Provider -->
        <!-- you can have configuration files without plain text username and passwords stored -->
        <!-- A credential provider can be created in a project by implementing the interface. -->
        <!-- By adding a entry for the custom credential provider in the config such as below the credentialprocider is dynamically loaded at runtime. -->
        <!-- To activate the credentialprovider, set it on a database server config or on a property in a process server config.  -->
        <CredentialProvider name="testProvider" providerClass="com.xbreeze.xtest.test.TestCredentialProvider">
                <!-- Set of properties passed to the credential provider during initialization -->          
                <Property name="testProperty" value="The test value" />
        <!-- the command timeout is in seconds and specifieds how long CrossTest waits for a command to finish. if not specified CrossTest uses the JDBC  --> <!-- settings if any or waits indefinitely--> 
        <!-- if quoteObjectNames is set to true (default is no) alle table and column names are enclosed in double quotes, except for those in executing sql --> <!-- queries or statements, since these can be typed using quotes where desired-->
            commandTimeOut ="4"
        <!-- The JDBC driver used should be available on the class path and is loaded at runtime -->
        <!-- With the setSchemaTemplate attribute a template can be set for a SQL statement used to set the current schema or database. {SCHEMA} will be replaced by the schema attribute from the database config -->
            password ="PASSWORD"
            setSchemaTemplate="DATABASE {SCHEMA};"
            credentialProvider="testProvider" />        
        <!-- Object template can be used to add prefix, suffix and default attributes to a database config -->      
        <!-- Object templates are hierarchical, a parent template can be defined on a template so the child template inherits all that is configured on the parent (and its ancestors) -->
        <ObjectTemplate name="demo">
                <Attribute name="CREATE_DD" value="2010-01-01" />
                <Attribute name="CUST_ID" seed="1" increment="1">
        <ObjectTemplate name="newdemo">
                <Attribute name="CREATE_DD" value="2020-01-01" />
        <!-- The prefix is applied to the process name that is used in the step sentence -->
        <ProcessConfig name="demo" container="Demo" processServerConfigName="demo" prefix="wf_m_">
                <!-- Parameters that are passed to the PowerCenter workflow -->
                <Parameter name="$$WFL_CustParam1" value="first"/>
                <Parameter name="$$WFL_CustParam2" value="second"/>
            <!-- Process config referencing the task execution engine -->
        <ProcessConfig name="demotask" container="Demo" processServerConfigName="demotask" prefix=""/>
        <!-- The executionClass specifies the process executor, in this example our Informatica PowerCenter process executor -->
        <!-- The jar file containing the executor should be available on the classpath and is loaded at runtime -->
        <!-- The Properties collection is executor-specific, this example shows the properties needed for the PowerCenter executor -->
                    <Property name="UserName" value="USER" />
                    <Property name="Password" value="PASSWORD" credentialProvider="testProvider"/>
                    <Property name="Domain" value="InfaDemo"/>
                    <Property name="Repository" value="InfaDemo-RS"/>
                    <Property name="IntegrationService" value = "InfaDemo_IS"/>
                    <Property name="UserName" value="USER" />
                    <Property name="Password" value="PASSWORD" credentialProvider="testProvider"/>
                    <Property name="Domain" value="InfaDemo"/>
                    <Property name="Repository" value="InfaDemo-RS"/>
                    <Property name="IntegrationService" value = "InfaDemo_IS"/>